Monday, March 28, 2005


I woke up today. I stepped outside--it was gorgeous! Yesterday, I called my friend Alexis and told him that I was going to spend all day outside because it was beautiful. And I did. And it was awesome. But today.. oh today.. it was even more beautiful.

Unfortunately, because we stayed up until 4:30am watching movies, I was exhausted when I got home. I went to do some groceries, made meself lunch.. and passed out. So it sucks that I didn't get to enjoy the lovely weather. But let me tell you what, I had an incredible nap. You know those naps you take in the summer..? That's how it felt like. I left my window open, so the breeze caressed me to sleep. If that makes any sense at all.

There are beautiful days ahead. I'm looking forward to the end of school, the start of the summer and of staying out long after the sun goes down.


Sameer Vasta said...

yesterday, the weather was gorgeous.

the way you write your blog is gorgeous.

and you, my dear, are positively gorgeous. :o)

hope all is well.

Sherren said...

aww.. Sameer. Thanks for your gorgeous words. =p

Anonymous said...

yesterday, when I was walking littlefoot, a husky ran to me.

he kept smelling littlefoot, who soon got pissed off and growled. i was afraid the husky would take her out by one bite...(littlefoot's 7lbs, the husky's about 45lbs) so i picked her up and she started shivering...

i took his leash and waited for his owner to show up at the plaza. 10 min gone, i called the police. 30 mins passed, 2 police cars passed, and no one came. the owner showed up on an electrical scooter which had fallen over on leslie.... and her dog ran to littlefoot....

goood that is was a nice day i'm sure the husky enjoyed his adventure

Sherren said...

Hey Ru~~~ Nice story!! =] maybe you should start a blog of your own.. heee.. =p