Saturday, June 19, 2004

So Easy

When you’re sad, when you can’t fight anymore
Look inside, there’s that light you’re looking for
Let it shine, let it shine
Let it fill your heart with light
Let it fill your body, fill your soul

You fall in love, now you’ve got a broken heart
Next thing you know, all your dreams all fall apart
Nobody’s home, nobody’s home
Nothing makes sense anymore
Where’s my smile, where’s my castle full of hope

It’s so easy to get hurt
To lose faith and to get burnt
In our passions we reside
We lose ourselves and we kill our pride
It’s so easy to give up
To say our time’s already up
Hell I’ve done all that I can
But nothing became

But when you’re sad, when you can’t fight anymore
Look inside, there’s that light you’re looking for
Let it shine, let it shine
Let it fill your heart with light
Let it fill your body, fill your soul

It’s so easy to get hurt
To lose faith and to get burned
In our passions we reside
We lose ourselves and we kill our pride
It’s so easy to give up
To say our time’s already up
Hell I’ve done all that I can
But nothing became

But when you’re sad, when you can’t fight anymore
Look inside, there’s that light you’re looking for

Monday, June 07, 2004


We all want to be happy. Yet it seems that people have a hard time being happy. What does it take, really? Where can you find it..?

I was having a conversation with a couple of friends about energy. Why is it that some people seem to have an ea sier life than others? Why is it that, terrible things just keep happening to that friend of yours who's always unhappy and who's always in a jam? It's all about energy. The negative energy you send out to the world around you, to the people, to the nature surrounding you attracts negativity to you. When poeple are sad, bad things just seem to pile up, one right after the other. I always asked myself - how can all these bad things happen to that one person? How unlucky could they be?? First, their marriage is breaking apart, then, their car gets dented by a bike while they were parked on a small street downtown, etc. But when poeple are happy, good things tend to happen around them. It's unfair, people say, but maybe it's because they haven't stopped to change themselves first.

True enough - this could all be a matter of attitude. Looking at the bright side of things makes life easier and just... lighter. There's no need to over dramatise little problems. It's a matter of finding peace within yourself and accepting events as they occur. It's really not hard to make your energy more positive - instead of always saying "I'm so tired." when people ask how are you, you can answer "I'm fine!" with a smile. And that alone, will make you feel better. But you really gotta believe that you're fine. You gotta change your attitude, not hide it; because hiding it would only make things worse. If you have a positive attitude and a radiant smile on your face, people will be more drawn to you. I mean... nobody likes to talk to whinning little brats, right? It's just like my friend told me; if you always return somebody's lost wallet, chances are, when you lose yours, you'll get it back.

I know it's probably a hard concept to grasp for a lot of poeple, this concept of energy. And if you don't believe in that, so be it. Just think of it on another perspective. People like to be around happy and enthusiastic beings. They give you a sense of warmth, comfort, and they can just lift your spirits up if you're open to them. On the other hand, people dislike the company of negative people who are always ranting, complaning and feeling sorry for themselves. That really does no good to anybody at all.

So instead of blaming it all on the universe, take a look inside and evaluate how you look at the world around you. The world will only give you what you expect from it and give to it. Want a better life? Wanna be happy? It's not hard. It is harder to believe it than it is to take action. Just get rid of that frown, caus otherwise, the world will just frown back at you!