Thursday, December 02, 2004

King & I: The Rock Opera

Oh. My. God.

I can't believe how great that was. I just walked home with Lydie, and the whole way back, I kept repeating: "I can't believe how great that was!"

Purple Dragon, the theatre school I'm with, put on an outstanding musical of The King and I. It was great acting, great singing, great dancing. The cast was beautifully chosen. The King was great, Anna was great, the forbidden lovers were great, the ADORABLE little prince was great. Holy crap. I can't get over it. That was another thing I kept repeating on my way home.

Honestly, they managed to make me laugh "Etc, etc, etc.", to make me wanna cry... my heart was pounding when Tuptim lost her lover, when the King died... The audience was so engaged in the story, and felt for every single one of the characters...

I loved how Kendall added and adapted all these songs... "Let it Be", "Part of That World", "Tears in Heaven", "We Both Reached for the Gun" etc, etc, etc. and when Lun Tha started singing "Your Song", I believe that my heart melted a little bit...


I can't believe how great that was.

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