I was having a conversation with my high school volleyball coach. We started talking about her engagement and how "cheesy" it all has been - the proposal... the first time they kissed. Just like the movies. It was good to hear that and I was so happy for her to have a guy like that and... relieved to be reassured that guys like that actually are out there.
And then she asked me if I was involved with somebody. I shook my head. I told her about that guy from the club who asked for my number but never called me. As soon as she heard "club", she cried - they're no good! Almost right after that, a guy came over to ask if him and his friends could sit at the table I was sitting at (we were at Peel Pub) - and since I was only there temporarily (to talk to my coach), I got up and told them to go ahead. I guess he felt bad that I was just standing there with no seat so he offered: "You can sit on my lap, if you want." I thanked him and refused. He was cute and seemed pretty decent. But my coach turned to me and said: "It's those guys that you don't want!"
She said that it's great that I go out for the fun of it - and if I can meet a guy who goes out for the same intentions, then great!! So I asked her where she thought was the best place to meet guys. She didn't know. The grocery store? When I told her that I did my groceries in my sweats, she declared that those are the best times to meet people! And I agree.
I've forgotten about all of that. But all she said I already knew. Somehow, I had lost it for a couple of months, and I'm so glad that she pulled me back down to earth. It's been a while since I've just contented myself by sitting at home on a Friday or Saturday night. I mean - not that going out isn't fun, because I love dancing and just having a blast with friends - but I need some quiet time, too.
So... I'm gonna start spending some quality time with my sweats!
"You're not gonna find anyone if you're looking." she said. "It'll catch you by surprise."
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