Sunday, January 18, 2004


So I like Friends and Dawson's creek and all those cheesy, irrealistic movies and tv shows. Why? Well I guess it's caus I really wanna believe that such senarios can happen in real life. Just look at them! The relationships between Rachel, Joey, Chandler, Monica, Ross and Phoebe. The closeness between Dawson, Pacey, Joey, Jen and Jack. It's truly incredible, isn't it?

Now, I ask myself - why do people make fun of Dawson's creek? Why is it considered to be such a mindless show when what it talks about is what is truly real? Is it because people are too afraid to accept that such genuine people actually do exist and that, by denying it, they can justify why they can't seem to find them? I mean... what can be more real than people coming together and being there for each other under all circumstances?

What does it take for people to pull together and really care for each other? And I don't mean just hanging out together and having fun together. I mean really caring for each other. Really loving each other. It's really bizzare that it seems so difficult to find, because everybody's looking for it and therefore.. it must be everywhere. Poeple don't have real relationships anymore. Friends come and go - people aren't connected to each other anymore. Everybody's alone, constantly meeting new faces and constantly losing people. Divorce rates have gone up and one-night stands are becoming more and more popular. Why?

I'm sure that we all long for good, lasting, warm relationships... but maybe people are too scared to open up to others and trust them completely. And maybe that's why people need to get liquored up to gather the guts to ask out that nice girl or to kiss that cute guy. People always tell me that the real world is not as perfect as I imagine it to be. But how would they know if they're always escaping it by drinking, by getting high, by closing themselves off? It's more fun, they say. They create their own reality. One in where they can disapear, re-create themselves and meet strangers to form new relationships. 'Caus otherwise, there is no way they'd ever have met them. But then what? They just keep getting drunk and keep getting high with them. Sure, they're friends! They party together. It's what's fun, isn't it? Why stay sober and not be able to carry on great conversations?

Doesn't that sound pathetic? Why look for fun in another world if love is present right in front of you? If you feel comfortable, loved and happy with your life, with the people who surround you, then there really isn't any need to look for that excitement elsewhere. If you're in a good relationship, you won't be feeling the void that everybody's been feeling and trying to fill. I guess that's why I've never been a fan of drinking too much. I don't wanna kiss that cute guy who's been drinking and not ever see him again. I don't wanna have a great night with someone and have them remember me vaguely the next day or even have them being shy around me the next time I see them. I don't wanna to have to start from zero everytime. I probably have my mommy and dad and my dear sisters to thank for that - for having a nice childhood.. you know, feeling loved and all that stuff.

It's also kind of the same with the internet. I've met so many people who have great conversations with each other online. Classmates who happen to get each other's e-mail addresses and talk forever on MSN or ICQ. But when they get back to school, it's as if none of that had happened and they have once again become strangers. Kinda like living two different lives... So I've promised myself that if I ever meet or talk to anybody through e-mail or instant messaging, I will make sure that I incorporate it in my "actual" relationship with the person I'm conversing with.

Maybe alchool or weed or talking through a screen allows people to loosen up and have deeper conversations, letting people develop relationships. But if a friend is worthy enough of such talk, then shouldn't you trust them and more importantly, trust yourself enough to have the confidence to say such things without any artificial influence? Isn't exposing yourself truthfully by being fully aware of it despite your fear worth finding a genuine relationship?

Think about it.

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