Let's start with a dot. There is nothing complicated; nothing to read, nothing to blame, nothing to judge... absolutely nothing to fear.
Let's start with just this. Would you like to hold my hand? Would you like to take a walk, just you and I, have a laugh and maybe a conversation... a conversation that neither of us have had before?
If you're still with me so far, I'd say we're on a good track. I'd say there's a chance. For something great; something lovely, something sweet, something deep... something absolutely wonderful.
Let's not get too ahead of ourselves, however. Let's not think of anything at all. Let's just lie in each other's arms. Let's keep each other warm. Feel our heartbeats accelerate, our knees shake. Let's feel those butterflies... and do nothing but smile.
Now here comes the good part. The powerful stuff. Beyond the giggles, beyond the cheese and chocolate, beyond the fun. Here comes loving you, caring for me. Here comes the future, here comes complexity. Here comes love. It's do or die. It's smile or cry.
But let's not try to figure it out. In fact, let's not think of anything at all. Would you like to hold my hand? Would you like to take a walk, just you and I, have a laugh and maybe have a conversation. Any conversation that keeps me knowing you, knowing me, knowing the silliest little thing about you and me.
Let's grab a cup of coffee. Let's lie in bed 'till noon. Let's drive each other crazy with things we've done a million times. This is the good part. This is the powerful stuff. The giggles, the cheese and chocolate, the fun.
And if you're still with me so far, I'd say we're on a good track. I'd say we've got a chance. For something easy; something simple, something real, something strong... something absolutely wonderful.
This post is some kind of wonderful Sherren. Really made me feel warm inside after having a relatively horrible past couple of days.
ahhhhhhh This feels like a breath of fresh air! I heart you Sherren Lee!
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