Friday, December 15, 2006

Can't Sleep

I didn't even have any coffee today. I mean, at least not anytime after six... as I always try to avoid. In fact, I didn't even have any coffee after four, for that matter. Sure, I had two large ones before then, but it was still before four.

I should be tired. I really should be. I woke up, unwilling to get up this morning. I spent all day at the laundromat cafe. It was really nice. I should go there more often. I spent all day at the laundromat cafe, studying, sipping coffee, havind lunch... and well, doing laundry. It was nice. I got a lot done. Without stressing. It was really nice at the laundromat cafe.

I say that I am freaked out for my second exam on Tuesday. And I am. I mean I very well should be. I know nothing. I literally have no idea what the material is. And I shall be on stage tomorrow night, twice on saturday, and twice on sunday. When will I study? I guess I have Monday. But Monday isn't enough. Didn't I mention that I know nothing? Yet I could not bring myself to start studying tonight. A good night's sleep I said I needed. An early start in the morning is better than a late night up.

Now I have gotten out of bed. It's late. I'm still awake. And I will have to wake up early tomorrow morning for my early start that I specifically planned for so that everything could turn out to be dandy. That was a long sentence. I know. Look how everything worked out so well.

I am wide awake. Even though I really thought I was tired. I mean, I did have a long day. After spending all day getting a lot done at the laundromat cafe, I headed over to the theatre. Just in time to put on scandalous makeup, costumes... warm up, and razzle dazzle. It's fun playing a murderess. Fun being a jailbird. I get to climb and hang off of a scaffolding. I get to watch the show on stage. I get to be a prima donna, a total snob... completely irritating. Oh how fun to be an actor!

But also how tiring. If I don't sleep now, I will be tired in the morning. I probably wouldn't be productive when I will attempt to study. And then I will be tired for my show. I'm already a little sore from climbing the scaffolding. What if I forget my moves? There were some moves that I missed tonight. How did they go again? Oh yes, I have to remember that. And this. And that.

I should be tired. I really should be tired. I don't understand why I can't sleep. I don't understand it at all.

I made some tea. It's called dreamland. I suppose it's supposed to help me sleep. I'm almost done. The mug's almost empty...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Murderesses don't write like you do! Stay in character, damn it! ;P