Tuesday, January 18, 2005

All I Need...

Hand me a mug of coffee,
A creamy one, a nice and sweet one,
Give me my scarf,
And let me sleep on my pillow,
That's all I need, really, that's all I need.

Just give me a hug,
A sincere one, a nice and sweet one,
Blow me a kiss,
And let me dream of tomorrow,
That's all I need, really, that's all I need.

Let me wake up with a smile,
A genuine one, a nice and sweet one,
Allow me to laugh,
Even for no apparent reason,
That's all I need, really, that's all I need.

Give me my coffee, my scarf and my pillow,
And I'll hug you and I'll blow you a kiss,
And I'll smile and laugh and say "remember this"
That's all I need, really, that's all I need.


Sherren said...

Well.. I would say we all really need understanding from ourselves... from others, is debatable.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Sherren, that was a real nice poem you wrote.
I really like it!

I am sure you know who I am. A little hint, we're related.


Sameer Vasta said...

oh my god! that was brilliant!

you mind if i link directly to it from my site?


Sherren said...

Hey Sameer!

wow, thanks! you're more than welcome to.. =]
