Friday, June 10, 2005

Hiya There

Hey dudes, how's it goin?

I'm currently an intern at MTV. Cool, eh? I thought so too.. at first. It's now been three days that I've been sitting in front of this not-the-fastest-nor-the-newest-but-still-works-well-enough-for-an-intern computer, doing absolutely nothing. Well not nothing, exactly. I've already emailed every single person that still cares for my existence, fixed the booboos of my class schedule for the next two semesters, checked out every single prof I'm gonna have on, read Jason Mraz's online journals (damn he's a good writter), organized my emails into folders (ALL OF THEM! And that's a whole lot!)... shall I go on? I guess you can say I've accomplish quite much.. but none of it has anything to do with MTV. Let's see... today I documented some news clippings and called somebody to asked them to send us motorola phone and an email.... all that must've been done within an hour. Barely. And then I got to go to a temple and look around. And then my supervisor treated me to lunch. So that wasn't too boring. But still. Nothing to do with MTV.

So I flew 24 hours all the way to Taiwan to do this internship. And I've now become the sitting-on-your-bum-all-day-expert. Honestly, I'm a professional. If you ever need somebody to sit there and do nothing, you know who to call! I promise you'll get your money's worth. 100% satisfaction.

I'm not bitter. Really. Just a little bored. Okay. A lot bored. So I'm trying to keep my mind working by writing. Fine. Rambling. Still gets it working though. The mind, that is. Don't wanna go back to Montreal a vegetable, now.

It's pretty ugly out there today. It's for sure gonna rain. Or maybe it's already raining. Wouldn't wanna be outside anyway. Plus my cousin isn't home yet. So I wouldn't be much more productive at home in any case. But that's not true. At least I could strum on my guitar and attempt to write a song. Or practice the one I just wrote the other day.. in the office, mind you, out of boredom. Actually, you know it--it's the one below! Actually, the first sentence I wrote, "Everybody's older now" came to me when I was at the hospital visiting my grandma. The rest took some time to come to me.

Funny how inspiration finds you. I wonder how the next one will decide to pay me a visit. Maybe we'll meet for coffee... Or it'll guest star in my dreams tonight.

Oh yay, they finally gave me a job. Off I go! I'm guessing this'll at least look half decent on the resume..~



Sameer Vasta said...

well, you could come back here and spend some more time with me! :o)

hehehe...keep your head up, i'm sure things'll pick up soon enough!

Y said...

I like the sarcasm Sherren. It's becoming. :D.
Anyhow, you know it'll work out. Things always pick up slowly. But they pick up nonetheless. I'll be "joining" you in spirits, at very least geographically closer, in 9 days. Internship at a teaching hospital. Crazy stuff. Little scared like you are. So I can totally empathize. Be strong. See ya Sherren.

Anonymous said...

Akakakakakak~ like I said, you actually cracked me up.
That was smart sarcasm - good job. ;p